Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Life Transformers

Every mon at 8pm,the hosts and volunteers will revamp the house-cleaning,painting,fixing of furniture and DIY. The programme creates chances/platforms to hepl to needy in varies other than financial aids. Senior citizen/singled-parent family/those suffering from by illnesses/low-income family and etc. The hosts understand her/his life & problems. Their parents who take care of sons/daughter's illness.So the hosts and volunteers felt very sad and crying of their parents and children.The Salvatory Army will donate some furniture to their parents and children's home.To needd to show Care,Share and Love to those in need by offering all forms of help and asistance.

I was watching the life transformers on every mon. It's very sad and touching story....I was burst into tears in Life Transformers. I felt very sad and touching of it...I wish to become volunteer who will help to poor folks.I have learnt how to clean the whole room from my mum. My mum always nagged at me cos my room never clean so long time. So i was cleaning the whole living room,my sis'room,my parents and my room and throw some junks(papers,magazines and etc)...I felt very tired of doing cleaning my home....